Download JackTrip

Download and install JackTrip's FREE desktop app to get started
JackTrip requires that certain conditions are met to enable live music collaboration with low latency. Please review the recommendations below to set yourself up for success.
Your Internet Connection
JackTrip works best with Fiber Internet, which uses cables made out of glass to provide 4 to 10 times lower latency than anything else.
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Your Physical Location
The speed of light limits the distance performers can play together, even with the most optimal setups. People residing within one of these geographical regions will likely experience the best results.
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Your Audio Interface
Most audio hardware built into computers is too slow to provide low latency results. Upgrading to a new external USB/Thunderbolt audio interface will often provide far better audio latency and quality. Additionally, Windows requires the use of ASIO drivers, which are offered by manufacturers of good external interfaces.
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Your Other Gear (No Wireless!)
When it comes to audio latency and quality, your microphone, headphones, and home networking all matter. Plug into ethernet and use wired headphones because all wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, 5g, network extenders, wireless headphones, etc.) introduce high latency and jitter and will not work well.
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